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MACJAMES GLOBAL RESOURCES LIMITED is a Nigerian Company incorporated in 2006 that offers innovative solutions to the chemical needs of customers through our products and services.
We manufacture and offer quality and innovative domestic, oilfield, and industrial chemicals and related services; general and specialty household, industrial & institutional (HI&I) and oilfield chemicals. We have our chemical products tested, approved and registered by National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and  Control (NAFDAC); and  our oilfield chemicals by Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) for use in the oil and gas industry. Our innovative products have also been recognized for innovation by national and international professional organizations. We maintain high standards in our Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) hence the professional HSE training and qualifications of our staff and the stateof facilities. Working together with highly trained professionals and partners, we have recorded successes, innovations and great advancements in many areas of our operations which include:
  • Household, Industrial and Institutional (HI&I) chemicals production.
  • Oilfield chemicals production
  • Chemical research and formulations (Specialty Chemicals)
  • Chemical sales and supplies
  • Domestic, oilfield and Industrial chemicals production training
  • Water treatment – plant design/installation and chemicals.
  • Corrosion control and prevention.
  • Environmental services (Pest Control, fumigation and disinfection).
  • Related manpower development and capacity building
  • Procurement
  • Consultancy
Our Vision: To be a world class and most innovative profitable chemical products and services company.

Our Mission: is to be the world and first-class leading innovator, manufacturer and deliverer of efficacious chemical products and services. We strive to achieve this through constant research and scrutiny of our processes, environmental preservation, and customers’ satisfaction.

Our Values:  Quality and Safety, Integrity and Respect. (THE MACJAMES BRAND)  


  1. Amasis provides tailored training in chemical handling, safety and documentation of dangerous goods for road and maritime transport. Märkning kemiska produkter

  2. Hi, that was a great blog, I got some valuable information about Oilfield Speciality & Maintenance chemicals supplier , and am sure that definitely it will help me a lot. Please keep writing such wonderful blogs


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