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Showing posts from April, 2014

Multipurpose Liquid Detergent

MACJAMES® MULTIPURPOSE LIQUID DETERGENT - MMLD-06   Click here for MACJAMES® MULTIPURPOSE LIQUID DETERGENT - MMLD-06 Technical data sheet information Macjames ® Multipurpose Liquid Detergent ( NAFDAC Reg. NO. 02-8178L )     is a surface active environmentally friendly multipurpose liquid detergent (containing ionic and non ionic surfactants) and other additives for its general purpose washing and cleaning uses in laundry, kitchen dishwash, handwash, toilets, steam washing, power washing, all floor types and coverings, carwash and machines, rig and super structures, vessels and storage tanks, silos, etc. It has a mild PH of 7.00 – 8.0 Does not affect physical properties of substrates and is not poisonous. It is blendable with solvent, disinfectant, salt /fresh and hard/soft water. It has anti-depository agent and easily washed off. Safe for general health and biodegradable. APPLICATION INFORMATION: Macja...